The Kirkham's

The Kirkham's

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cupcake Parties & Family Reunions

Our really fun neighbor Danaca likes to entertain. This time she decided to have a cupcake party. We all went over to her house to decorate cupcakes. Sami loved them. She ate 3.

Jesi and Madi had fun too.

For Jesi's bday this year, her Grandma Cathy got her a Butterfly Garden. She got caterpillar larva that she was able to watch grow into caterpillars, chrysalis, and then butterflies. After about a month she let them go into the wild. She loved it.

Later that day, we headed out for the Kirby Family Reunion. This is my mom's siblings and all their kids. We usually end up with about 70 people camping together for a weekend. It's really huge and really fun. This year we went to Mackay Idaho. The camp was really grassy and private. It was really nice.

Reese and Sami swimming in the kiddy pool

Part of the campground this year was flooded because of all the rain and snow. It was about a foot deep in the deepest part, so the kids used it as their own personal swimming hole. They loved being in the water. But it was so cold. They would have contests to see who could sit in the water the longest.

Sami decided that she LOVES my brother Drew's dog CJ. Where ever CJ was, Sami was close by. She would climb all over her and she would let her. When she got tired of Sami, she would get up and walk away. As soon as she sat back down, Sami was all over her again. CJ is such a good dog and just let her maul her. It was so cute.

Jesi caught her first fish. She decided she was a big girl this year and wanted to go out on the boat with her dad. Reluctantly she got in and Kelly put a line in the water for her. Within 2 minutes she had a fish on her line. She decided boating and fishing are really fun and can't wait until the next time we get to go out. Madi also caught a fish, but I couldn't get her to sit still long enough to take a picture.

While we were all getting ready to head home some of the kids got bored. They decided a water balloon fight was in order. For some reason they decided to pick on my cousin Nick. He didn't like that idea so he grabbed his sister Kari's baby Rafe. They then set their eyes on Kari's husband Dan. He wasn't sure what was happening at first, but soon caught on. They chased him around the campground for a while, but eventually got him. It was so much fun. They were all laughing and having a blast. Thanks Dan for being a good sport.

The girls deciding who to go after.

They decided Dan looked good.

Dave trying to get Reese to join in. She wasn't having anything to do with it.

Sami did really great at the reunion. I wasn't sure how she would be since this was her first camping trip. She did awesome. But by the time we got home, we were all a little tired and ready for our own beds.

After we got home my niece Shelby, who plays softball for my brother Drew, had a softball tournament down in Salt Lake. Since they live in Idaho Falls, I don't get to see their team play. we decided it would be fun to go down and watch them.

Drew warming up the girls

The team getting ready for the game.

Shelby plays center/left field.

Shelby batting. Yep, one pitch actually hit her. OUCH!

The team didn't win the tournament, but they had a lot of fun.

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