The Kirkham's

The Kirkham's

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What a week.

The end of this last week has been a pretty crazy week at the Kirkham house. It started out on Wednesday with a dentist appointment for the girls. Their teeth looked beautiful according to the dentist. YEAH!!! Also, he informed Jesi that her teeth should be getting loose soon. Since she has yet to loose any teeth, this made her day. She was beaming for the rest of the afternoon. Emily and Madi both had to have a Frenectomy. (This is where they cut the skin in the front of your gums that connects the upper lip.) This was keeping their front teeth from staying together. This was an experience all in itself. NOT a pleasant one. I'm just glad its over and done with.

Thursday brought us both Madi's 4th grade program and Jesi's field trip to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden.

Madi's program was on the State of Utah and its Counties. They did a performance on all the things that had to do with the start of Utah. It was pretty cool. They sang songs, showed a few slide shows on the history of Utah and the Pioneers, and did some dancing. Madi got to do the square dance. She did a really good job.

Madi singing some songs.

Madi holding a Dinosaur Bone.

Jesi's trip to The Dinosaur Park was really fun for her. They got to see lots of fun dinosaurs.

Jesi with the "girls" from her class.

Saturday brought us Emily's Ballroom Dance Team's Spring Concert. They have worked really hard this year and it shows. They took 1st place at their competition in January.

Em doing The Waltz.

We also started framing our basement this last week. YEAH! Finally. The guy that was supposed to come and do it never showed up so Kelly and his brothers decided they could do it themselves. They actually have done a really good job. So far we have Madi's room and the kitchenette framed. This week they are going to work on Em's room, Jesi's room, and the bathroom. I can't wait for it to all be finished.

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