The Kirkham's

The Kirkham's

Friday, September 12, 2008

What's Up?

Ok, I got a little crap from a few friends because I hadn't updated the blog in 3 weeks. (EMILY) So here is an update.

Jesi finally started preschool last week. She goes to Nicole's preschool 2 days a week and loves it. She asks everyday if she gets to go to school today or not. When I tell her no, she gets so mad and says she is going anyway. I am so glad that she is loving it. It makes my life a lot easier knowing that she is having so much fun.

Emily and Madi had SEP's (parent teacher conference) last night. They both are doing great. Emily is in the top 10% of her class. She is always one of the first to get all her work done and it is actually legible and correct. YEAH! We have had issues in the past with her handwriting. (I blame this on my baby brother Dave).

Madi is a math whiz. She has had 100% on almost all of her math assignments. She absolutely loves math. Reading is a totally different story though. (must not really be my child) She likes to read just not very often.

All of the kids are doing great and have lots of friends. They are always running a mile a second and only slow down when I make them.

Kelly is loving his new position. Having a hard time not being the "go too" guy who knows all the answers, but its only a matter of time before that changes.

So basically, life around here is really great. We are all really happy and enjoying life. YEAH!


The Leavitt Crew said...

Yeah - a new post! :o) Love ya!

Emily said...

It is about time!!! Slacker!!

Just kidding!!!! We love you guys!