The Kirkham's

The Kirkham's

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Ok its a little late! But my computer is having issues and I can't download any of my pictures right now. So those will have to come later.

Anyway! This year was our first Christmas in our new house! It was great! We set up the tree in the front room in front of the window. You could see the tree from the family room too so it was really cool.
Sami also figured out the tree just before Christmas. I was sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book by tree light with Sami playing on the floor with some toys. I heard a noise and looked up to see her pulling ornaments off the tree. Oops. We really fast had to move everything up a foot where she couldn't reach them anymore. But from then on, we couldn't keep her away from the tree.

I have a glass block with lights in it that I keep under the tree. She really liked this but wasn't so sure about actually touching it. She would sit in front of it and just stare at it for ever. It was really funny.

Christmas morning was so much fun. The girls woke up around 5:30 but we kept sending them back to bed. Finally around 6:45 we all got up. Opening presents was fun. Sami really liked pulling apart the wrapping paper.

(Pictures to come later)

Around noon, we went to Kelly's parents for lunch. His sister Stef and her family came down from Logan and spent the afternoon with us. Later Kelly's Grandma Jean came over and then his brother Brock & his family came over. We ended up staying their until almost midnight. We had a really nice time, but the 45 minute drive home after wasn't. I forgot we lived that far until we got in the car and starting driving. Then I wasn't so happy we had stayed so late. Well ok, not really! I'm really glad we stayed that late. It was a lot of fun.
Sunday morning - the day after Christmas - we got up and packed the car to head to Idaho for the week. As we were loading the car, a major snow storm decided to start. We started out thinking it wouldn't be to bad if we were careful. NOT! We drove less than a mile and my 4 wheel drive was sliding all over the roads. So we decided to head back home and wait until Monday to leave. So we left the car loaded and got up Monday morning and headed out. The weather was much better.
The girls decided they wanted to stay in Idaho for New Years Eve. This was the first year we stayed that long. We usually leave a few days before the 31st so we can be home for the new year! My niece and nephews came down to mom's and we partied. We took the Wii up with us so we had a Wii party, played Sorry, Phase 10, Racko, and had a puzzle going. We made homemade pizza's and had Root beer floats. We had so much fun. I think we might have to do this again.
The New Year has been quiet around here. The kids started back to school the day after we got home from Idaho. Sami got so used to having everyone around that the first few days the girls were back in school, she would crawl all over the house looking for them. I pointed out their pictures on the wall and she would sit under them and just stare at them. As soon as they walked in the door after school, she went crazy excited to have them back.
What a crazy Holiday break, but well worth the fun!!!


Emily said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. Cute clothes on Sami!! :)

Kirkham Family News said...

I know huh! Someone pretty cool gave it to me....